Can a Marriage Rescue Interview Save Your Marriage?

If you face marital problems and don’t know what to do, can you just give up?

The statistics speak for themselves: 50% of marriages fail, and only 1 in 5 couples live together.

Remember, these are only numbers, and there is a solution for you. The Marriage Rescue Interview is a creative resource where you can listen to experts talk about what to do if you feel your marriage has failed. Here’s what you should know about this fantastic 5-part audio series.

First things first, it addresses all the details of most marriage problems. You may face difficult or chaotic times in your current marriage. The only way to clearly resolve this problem is if you deal with things systematically and you understand the problem fully. The audio series discusses clear elements of marital failure such as how to restore lost love and how to deal with adultery.

The experts …

Getting Through – One of the Best Conversations You’ll Ever Have With Your Spouse

Ever notice how quickly a conversation between you and your spouse can go downhill with just a few poorly chosen words?

Are your conversations a war of words or a test of silence?

Now, there are ways to improve and restore great communication. The following shows how.

ONLY FOR MEN: John, a 43-year-old management consultant, and his wife Doris, a 39-year-old illustrator, are farther away due to communication problems. One day during a time of non-contradiction, John brought Doris aside and looked at him firmly, but gently, and asked him, “Doris, have I ever made you feel that you don’t deserve to listen?” With that, Doris’s eyes dropped attention to John’s attention and interest.

When his body language, more than his words, showed that he might have made him feel that way on many occasions, John insisted and said, “Doris, look at me, please. Just because I don’t know how …