How to Read Female Body Language Love Signals


There are a number of ways that women signal their intentions to others. Among these are hand gestures and touching a man on the arm. But is there a secret to knowing which of these is the real deal and which is the hyped up version? The best way to find out is to read the body language of a woman you are interested in. This is not an easy task, however, because many women can hide their true colors.

Having said that, the best way to determine a woman’s true emotions is to treat her with respect. One way to do this is to engage in eye contact with a woman you have an interest in. A woman is more likely to open up about her life, interests and other juicy details if you are engaging with her in a meaningful way. Women are generally receptive to touch …

How to Be a Good News Anchor

If you’re looking to get a job as a news anchor, there are many steps you should take. First, you should have a degree in journalism or communications. You should also be able to speak and read well and interact with people effectively.

Practice speaking like a news anchor

The old adage ‘practice makes perfect’ has never been truer. A few minutes of focused effort can do wonders for your ego and sanity. A word of caution, if you do this for the wrong reasons, your best efforts will be wasted. For starters, be sure to have a back-up plan in the form of a trusted confidant or two. You need not have a formal education to be a good journalist. If you have a knack for reading lips, a little ado will go a long way. Likewise, if you can’t stand the thought of pitching your wares to an …