Dating Tips for Guys – Does Appearance Really Matter?

The question of whether or not and how much appearance matters when attracting women is something that even the most experienced and successful pick up artists will debate over. AMost men will assume though, Athat the clothes make the man, Aand if they don’t have the right appearance, Athey are not going to get the girl. AAnd this is true to some extent, Abut the thing is, Aa lot of guys put a little too much stock into this.

I’ll give you an example of why it does matter to some extent:

Okay, Alet’s say that you are scoping out a total emo hottie and she looks fantastic to you. AShe has the whole emo look down pat and it’s something that you are digging on right now. AHowever, Ayou are dressed like a business man, Aas you are on your lunch break. ASo, Ayou have the whole clean cut, …

Tailoring Your Seduction – Having a Fashion and Style That Seduces the Women

Having a sense of style and fashion or being able to fake it is important in seducing women. This does not mean that you have to be a metro-sexual up on the latest fashion trends from France. It simply means that you have a consistent worldview that you are able to express though your clothing. Your outfit and “look” is the first thing that people see and you want to make sure it gives off the proper message about you.

Seduce women with style, it is not the clothing that makes the man, it is the man who makes the clothes

Your clothes need to be you above all. If you are a lumberjack, flannel and jeans might do you well; a surfer a stylish sweater, shorts and sneaks; a cowboy may wear jeans a big belt buckle and fancy shirt. You can get the idea with these extremes. Your …