History of Skincare: The Late Middle Ages and Italian Renaissance

Smile Just like the Mona Lisa

Although medieval feudalism continued all through most of Europe, the thirteenth century saw a cultural rebirth take location in Italy. Aptly named the Renaissance, French for “rebirth,” this period saw culture blossom in a way it had not since the time from the Roman Empire. The Renaissance began as a revitalization of Classical culture, inspired by the unearthing of wonderful Roman monuments that had been buried for centuries. Throughout this period, the citizens of Italian cities including Florence and Rome attempted to recreate what they believed to become a genuine Classical society. They encouraged philosophy, the invention as well as the arts, and this movement gave birth to several multi-talented Renaissance Males which include Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

You’ll need to look no further than the art on the Renaissance to see the era’s ideals of feminine beauty. Portraits show women in loose, …